Friday, February 20, 2015

Afraid of losing hair

Going through premature baldness, or having a thinning scalp. These worries are real for both men and women and adults and teenagers alike. From an evolutionary point of view, a full head of hair indicates extraordinary good health, making that person an extremely sound investment as a mate. Though much has changed as civilisation has progressed, our subconscious minds still hold on to such symbols of prosperity and health. And with good reason too. 

Thinning and brittle hair is indicative of both malnutrition and mal-absorption.
These conditions are prevalent even amongst educated urban dwellers, who end up choosing the convenience of processed foods over the wisdom of traditional nutrition.
While the primary focus should be on eating better, exercises that will deliver the nutrient and oxygen-rich blood to the scalp are also required.

Padahastasana (Hand to Feet Posture)
This posture is to be done on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening.
Caution: Those with high blood pressure should not hold the posture beyond 5 deep breaths.
Stand on a yoga mat with your feet 5 to 6 inches apart. First, bring your feet parallel to each other, and then slowly turn your heels slightly outward and toes slightly inward. The outer sides of your feet should be parallel to the sides of the mat.
Relax your toes. Tuck your tailbone in, contract your gluteus muscles, pull your knees upward and tighten your thighs very gently. Now raise your arms up over your head, with your elbows straight and palms facing each other. Create length in your spine by pushing your arms upwards towards the ceiling.
Lift your chin up towards the ceiling, and with an exhalation, bend forward. Keep your knees straight, place your hands down on either side of your feet and gently push your head down to your knees. Hold this posture for at least 30 deep breaths. To release, slowly lift your torso upwards.

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