Friday, January 16, 2015

yoga eye exercise

The worries of the parents of school-going children centre largely on their children’s growing pains. There are stories of poor appetite, poor vision, lack of focus and hyperactivity or extreme dullness. Most of these complaints are part of the growing up process, but they needn’t be dismissed as unimportant or dulled through medicines. They are but symptoms of a growing, unguided and perhaps bored mind. Simple yoga routines can help harness the natural intuition, wisdom and intelligence that children possess, helping them on their journey to becoming well-adjusted human beings. Apart from the asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques), there are simple techniques that help stimulate the nervous system and the endocrine system in a positive manner. Tratak or focused concentration is one such technique.
Tratak means steady gazing with the eyes at a particular point without blinking, till the point when tears start to flow. The practice gradually restores the imbalance in strength of the major eye muscles. This, in turn, can restore weakening vision, relieve chronic headaches and improve the efficiency of the eyes. As the sharpness of vision and the functioning of the mind are closely connected, the practice of tratak also stimulates the autonomic and central nervous system. My personal experience with the following practice prevented the onset of nearsightedness and eliminated the need to wear glasses.
Simple Bhrumadya Tratak (Eyebrow Centre Focus Practice)
Caution: Do not practise this if you have had recent surgery or injury to the eyes.
You will need a quiet and dimly lit room and a yoga mat.
Sit with your back straight and your chin level to the ground.
This practice is best done before dawn or after dusk.
Sit comfortably with your back straight and shoulders pushed back gently to open the chest.
Keep your chin level to the ground.
Cross your eyes and look upwards, as if trying to gaze at the point between your eyebrows.
Hold till your eyes start watering.
Close your eyes; rub your palms together and place them on top of your eyes.
Start again after a few moments. Repeat the entire process 2-3 times.
Splash your eyes with cold water to revive blood circulation and remove any lingering dirt.                                       also refer Trataka or Yogic Gazing

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