Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Five steps to perfect skin

Radiant and flawless skin is what everyone wants. And here are some new skincare tips to get a beautiful complexion. It’s known that drinking eight glasses of water a day, using SPF, and having a solid cleansing routine are essential, but the Association of Professional Hair and Makeup Artists reveals its top five tips for radiant skin, reports

Here are five tips that you may not have known about:

Flip your pillow case
When you sleep, you drool, perspire and sometimes sweat. This goes directly onto your pillow case and sheets, so it’s a must to keep your pillow clean. To keep it clean, every two weeks vacuum it with a turbo brush. Then wash it on hot (or follow care instructions), shake the pillow out and let dry naturally in sunlight. This regular cleaning will help reduce the bacteria in the pillow. During the week, between washing the sheets, turn your pillowcase inside out and upside down, so that you are getting the side that your face hasn’t been touching.

Steam up your shower
Going to the spa for a facial is one of the best things you can do for your skin. No matter what type of skin you have, steam is one of the spa’s secret tricks while giving you a facial. It opens your pores, and the gentle heat brings blood to the surface of your skin, which helps it naturally repair itself. When you’re going to take a shower, turn the temperature hotter than normal, and shut the door for a few minutes. This allows the steam to build up. Once it has a good amount of steam, you have created your own steam room. Take your shower as normal, and over time, your skin will start glowing like never before.

Wash your face for longer
You know you should brush your teeth for two minutes, so give the same kind of attention to your skin. When you wash your face, do it for at least two minutes. This allows the cleanser to really do its job, and get into your pores.

Don’t touch your face
You touch your face more than you know. The National Health Institute of Bethesda found that people touched common objects an average of 3.3 times an hour and their faces 3.6 times an hour. If you get bacteria on your hands and touch your face, the bacteria is on your face. So, think! Touching your face is a harder thing to stop doing than you think, as it happens naturally. How often do you move your hair out of your face? How often do your rub your eyes, or hold your hand up to your face when you sneeze? But the point here is to make a concerted effort to not touch your face and use anti-bacterial gel or wipes.

Keep your hair clean, and out of your face
Your hair can lead to spots. The natural oils in your hair can build up and transfer onto your face. You’re not going to change your hairstyle. So the solution is two-fold. First, when you’re at home, push your hair behind your ears. The second is to use products on your hair that will be better for your skin — such as organic and natural products — as these tend to be gentler on your skin.

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