Friday, September 12, 2014

Hibuscus to Treat Hair Loss

For past three years, I have experienced hair loss due to stress and other factors. I tried the below remedy and it worked well for me. My hair loss went from 60% to 2% within two months.
Weekly Routine
  1. Thrice a week, oil your hair at night time two hours before you go to sleep only at the roots and tip of the hair and not on full length of your hair.
  2. Wash your hair with home made hibiscus shampoo  (recipe is below ) and dry it naturally using a towel or air dry it.
Fortnightly Routine
  1. Every 15 days, do hot oil treatment for your hair. Procedure is given below.
  2. Apply hibiicus infused tea on the hair at night.
Hibiscus Shampoo
  1. pluck leaves and hibiscus flower – just a handful of leaves and flowers should do.
  2. Wash them throughly – remove the pollen from the flower and petiole in the middle part of the leaf .
  3. Soak the leaves in the hot water for 10 mins.
  4. Take the leaves from the hot water and run through the blender along with the flowers. You will get a sticky, foamy paste.
  5. Apply it over the hair and leave it for 5 mins.
Please note :- you cannot store the paste. It needs to be used immediately.
Hibiscus Dry Shampoo
For those who don’t have a hibiscus plant, here is another way to still make your shampoo:
  1. Get the leaves & flowers and dry them up in sun for 3 days.
  2. Once they dry, they can be made into a powder form.
  3. You can mix it with water and use it on your hair.
Hibiscus Infused Tea
  1. Boil water and add three leaves and one flower without pollen. Let it simmer for 15 minutes.
  2. Your infused tea is ready. Once it comes to room temperature, apply over your hair. This will give your hair a shiny and glossy look very next day.
You can store in a cool temperature for upto 15 days. Store it in a hair spray bottle so that it is easy for application on hair and you can just use them as hair spray when you need instant shine for your hair.
 Hot Oil Procedure
  1. You can choose one of the following combinations in the ratio 2:1: Coconut /Olive or Coconut/Amla or Coconut/Almond.
  2. Mix them well and pour them in a ceramic vessel.
  3. You can heat them in two ways:
    • Microwave – Microwave in low power for 2 minutes and leave them to cool down to room temperature.
    • Stove – Boil water in a stove for 5 mins and switch the stove off. Now place the ceramic container in the water for 5 minutes. The oil should be lukewarm. If not, place the bowl over hot water for another 5 minutes.
  4. Let the oil to come down to room temperature. Meanwhile, wrap your head with a steamed towel to open the hair follicles.
  5. Start taking parts of hair and apply the oil over the roots and massage them for 10 -15 minutes.
  6. You can leave it overnight if you wish.
  7. Wash your hair with hibiscus shampoo.

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