Thursday, September 22, 2016

DIY remedies for a cold

With the weather in the city being unpredictable of late, most people tend to catch a case of the sniffles. After all, who likes working with a blocked (or runny) nose, a sore throat, or even a mild temperature? If you are tired of popping a pill three times a day, or simply do not have the time to visit the doctor, here are some grandma-certified home remedies, which will help you have a speedy recovery.

Honey and ginger juice
Honey is known to soothe the throat, and ginger is known to have antibiotic properties. Grind up some ginger and mix it with an equal amount of honey, and consume it as is. If you find that the taste is not to your liking, you could mix it with half a glass of warm milk, too. It instantly clears up the nasal passage and soothes a dry throat.

Turmeric can be used in multiple ways. If you have whole turmeric bulbs, burn one end of the bulb, and inhale the smoke for instant relief. Alternatively, you could boil turmeric powder with milk and drink the mixture. There is nothing the good old manjapaal cannot fix, is there?

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