Thursday, June 25, 2015

5 Things You Should Never Eat at Night

To keep your motivation going here are the 5 secrets for weight loss! Got a minute? Then you have got time to start shedding those extra pounds! Here is the list of food items you need to ditch to see your weighing scale go down.
White rice is just as bad as white bread; in addition, it also has very little nutritional value.
Rice encourage your body to store excess fat that it doesn’t need and make it harder to lose weight.
Remember this thumb rule – Your dinner should always be light on carbohydrates as your body in unable to burn these quickly due to the worn-out metabolism at night. You should maintain a gap of two hours between bedtime and dinner, so that the body gets time to metabolize the nutrients.
Make wise choices, challenge yourself for a week and ditch these five things from your dinner and see the miracle.
#FitnessTip 1: Pasta is not an Ideal Night Time Snack
There can be nothing more comforting than the home cooked pasta. We agree, but this doesn’t mean that you need to binge on this for your night time snack. Pasta does less damage if you eat it earlier in the day.
Did you know pasta is one of the most calorie-dense carbohydrate sources around? You can easily consume 400 calories or more in a single bowl. And if your pasta is super cheesy then it will only add to the list of calories.
#FitnessTip 2: Ditch Your Pizza Party at Night
Say a strict no-no to pizza cravings at night. Why? Simply because Pizza contains too many calories and for dieters having pizza close to bedtime is the worst idea.
You will get an extra dose of both carbohydrates and a large amount of saturated fat. These will just sit in your stomach and will turn into fat – this means more shabby bulges in your body.
Fret not! To tame your hungry stomach before bed, eat small serving of proteins – like hard-boiled eggs, a piece of cheese, vegetable soup.
#FitnessTip 3: Having an Ice Cream at Night is a Bad Idea
Studies suggest that eating high-sugar foods like an ice cream, chocolate cake, cookies before bed time can cause nightmares, and can disturb your sleep.
Ice cream is loaded with fat and calories and you are for sure not going to give your body a chance to burn those extra calories before your bedtime. This means all of the sugar you have consumed will convert straight to fat!
#FitnessTip 4: Stay Away From Spicy Foods at Night
Spicy or peppery foods can upset your stomach, adding to the list of spicy foods are items that contain tons of chemicals and thus can stimulate your senses, making it hard for you to fall asleep.
Quick Tip: Having chili peppers or chilies during the day can be a great idea as it can boost up your metabolic rate.

#FitnessTip 5: For Fitness, Sacrifice Your Bowl of Rice at Night
White rice is just as bad as white bread; in addition, it also has very little nutritional value. Rice encourage your body to store excess fat that it doesn’t need and make it harder to lose weight.
Quick Tip: Always opt for brown rice as it is full of fiber, vitamins and nutrients. Eating a bowl of brown rice will make you feel full for a long duration.                               

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