Wednesday, June 11, 2014

slim face, tummy, thigh... TOI

Slim down your face with yoga

Have the adjectives 'cute, baby-face' stuck to you for too long? Well, there are many who are unhappy with their chubby face and tend to appear overweight because of this, despite their body being thin.

There are treatments for this, including using botox to paralyse facial muscles in order to make it look slimmer and shapely. However, both surgical and non-surgical procedures are painful and expensive. A natural and inexpensive way out is yoga. It may not be as quick as the former procedures when it comes to immediate visible results, but is painless and lasts.

"Yoga is safe and can be done within the confines of your home," says Dr Amrapali Patil, yoga and weight management consultant. Yogacharya Shelly Khera states, "Every yoga pose that ups the circulation and makes blood go to your head and stretches the neck, chin and facial muscles, helps to slim down and sculpt the face."

However, she cautions, "Do not expect overnight results. Every single day for at least three months if you do yogasanas you will find that your face has lost unwanted fat." She suggests poses like simha mudra, kakaki mudra, forward bending postures, certain neck and chin stretches, mastyasana etc work well. Here are some yoga poses that you must add to your daily exercise regime:

Simha mudra or the lion pose
This pose stimulates and tones the entire facial musculature and is considered the best facial asana.
How to do it:
Kneel on a mat. Straighten and place your hands on your knees. Take a deep breath, steadily, without gulping air in. Now drop your jaw and open your mouth wide. Simultaneously, stick your tongue out forcefully and downwards towards your chin. As you breath out through the mouth make a sound from your throat which simulates the roar of a lion. Repeat this exercise at least four to five times.

Jivha bandha or the locked tongue pose
"This is one of the classic yoga poses which not only helps to get a chiselled face but shapes the jaw line," says Patil. Like Simha Mudra this pose too helps in toning the facial muscles. Jivha Bandha also help in regulating blood pressure.
How to do it:
Sit in the Lotus pose or Padmasana. Alternatively, even Sukhasana or sitting cross-legged on the floor will do. If uncomfortable, you can sit on a chair. Place your hands on your lap or knees in a relaxed way. Now press the tip of the tongue against the upper plate — it is like trying to swallow your tongue. With the tongue thus placed open the mouth completely till you feel adequate stretch in the region of face and throat. Unlike Simha Mudra, in this asana breathe through the nose. Repeat three to four times.

Jalandhar Bandha or chin lock
This is yet another classic Hatha yoga pose. Though used for the purpose of meditation in traditional yoga, this pose also facilitates the shaping of the face and tones the facial and jaw line muscles and corrects a double chin. This asana also helps people with thyroid disorders.
How to do it:
Sit on the mat in the Lotus pose or in Sukhasana. Breathe in deeply. Place your hands on the knees and lift the shoulders up and tilt the body slightly forwards. Now press the chin firmly against the chest or between the two collar bones such that the oesophagus is firmly closed. Hold the breath as long as comfortable. To release the asana lift the head, breath normally and return to the starting position. Repeat.

Keep in mind
- Breathe normally when you are doing yoga poses.
- Relax for a minute between each pose by breathing in and out slowly.
7 days to slim thighs
Having trouble slipping into skinnies even after strenuous workouts? Follow these simple moves to cut out flab

Slimming skaters
Put your feet together, toes pointing forward, arms by your sides, with your head and neck straight ahead. To begin, take a wide 'skate' step with your right foot to the right side, then drag your left foot toward it, reaching your left arm forward while bringing your right elbow back. Then, within seconds change directions and repeat the movement on the opposite side. Change from left to right, for a total of one minute. This exercise not only tones and sculpts your inner thigh muscles, but also helps cut off that extra flab.

Side to side plies
Your knees and toes should be pointing out at about 45 degrees and your hands should be resting on your hips. Bend your knees and lower your hips towards the ground. Keep your back straight and knees pointing out over your toes. Dip down into the plie and hold it for 30 seconds. Then, straighten your legs and slide your left heel into your right, squeezing your inner thighs together for 30 seconds. Take a step back out to the left and repeat plie, then slide right heel in. Repeat this movement 10 times.

Inner thigh attitude pulse
Stand on your left leg and lift your right leg a few inches off the ground, bending at the knee. Now turn your knee out to the side. Raise the right heel towards the ceiling and bring leg across the front of your body so that your right knee is past your left leg. Lower right leg towards the floor and lift it up as high as you can, keeping heel up. That's one rep. Repeat this movement 15 times on your right side, then 15 times on your left.

Seated bent-knee
This movement sculpts and shapes your inner thighs, as well as, tones your abdominals and hips. Sit with your hands pressed on the floor besides your hips with your elbows slightly bent. Bend your knees in towards your body. Keep your knees touching and your toes pointed while looking straight ahead. Then, lean slightly forward. Trace open your knees out to the sides, then draw your knees together until they touch.

Lie on your back with your arms relaxed on the ground beside you. Slowly bend your knees in towards your chest. Stretch your feet and turn your knees out to the sides. Now, press your legs out, widening them at a 45-degree angle. With both legs turned outward, squeeze the backs of your knees together Bend your knees back in, maintaining the same 45-degree line on the way back.

Crescent kicks
Step onto your left foot, brush your right leg forward off the floor and create a large circular sweep from left to right with your leg. Then step onto right foot, and repeat on the left. Repeat this move 10 times. This kick tones and slims your inner thighs as you help control your leg through a circular range of motion, while also stretching your inner thigh muscles as you open your leg to the side.

Towel squeeze bridge
Lie down on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, arms relaxed on the ground by your sides, looking straight ahead. Place a folded hand towel between your knees. Squeeze your knees together into the towel to really activate your inner thighs, and lift hips off the floor, as high as you can, towards the ceiling. Hold for two counts, then lower down. Repeat this 15 times.

Butterfly stretch
To increase flexibility, finish this routine with a relaxing stretch (even prescribed by yoga). Start seated, with the bottoms of your feet sandwiched together and your knees relaxed, out to the sides while holding onto your ankles. Slowly lean forward, lowering your chest towards your feet until you feel a deep stretch in your inner thighs. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Lose that paunch in just 10 days
Follow these easy-to-do tips and get rid of your tummy in 10 days...

Courtesy our party-hopping and binge-eating sprees in the last couple of months, thanks to the festive season, almost all of us are battling that unwanted bulge. In fact, fitting into our old dresses and slim-fit jeans is almost like a challenge. But worry not. Here are some simple tips, which, if followed properly, could help you get rid of your paunch in flat 10 days.

Drink lots of water
Water is essential for our system, as around 70% of our body constitutes water. However, too much of anything does not work. So, have around 2.5 to 3.5 litres of water every day. And make sure you avoid drinking cold water. Normal or lukewarm water will help you stay slimmer. Water flushes out toxins and hydrates the system. If you don't like water, sip on herbal and green tea. Deepshikha Agarwal, sports nutritionist, advocates going the anti-oxidant way with this. "This is a delicious way to include anti-oxidants in your diet. It can work wonders for your immune and digestive system."

Cut down on carbs
Many believe that going on a zero-carbs diet will help in a miraculous way. While one should cut down on it for quick results, the no-carbs way is a strict no-no. Pooja Makhija, clinical nutritionist, explains, "Carbs are our energy givers and should contribute 65-70% of the total calorie intake in a day. One can only improve stamina if one includes carbs in every meal, every day! Weight loss will also follow suit when the body is fuelled optimally to be able to burn fat."

Increase protein intake
Have baked chicken or fish with steamed vegetables for lunch and dinner. Skimmed milk and milk products work too. Having a protein-rich diet makes you feel full for longer. Make sure you include egg whites in your breakfast. Have small portions and ensure that you have at least five to six meals.

Stay away from fad diets
Crash diets can be extremely harmful, so stay away from them completely. Dr Smita Naram, Ayurvedic physician, says, "A diet with a combination of 30% protein, 60% vegetables and 10% carbohydrates is most beneficial for reducing weight." Eating regular food every two-three hours (don't go for snacking in between) is great when it comes to losing weight.

Eat slowly
Eat slowly and stop eating when you are about 70 to 80% full. Do not overeat. Eating fast and gulping down food results eating much more than our body needs.

Walk, and then walk some more
Go for a 45-minute brisk walk in the morning or evening. Wear clothes that are not too tight and comfortable shoes that are meant for walking. Start with a 30-minute walk and extend it to 45 minutes or one hour. Do this for 10 days without fail.

Crunches can save your day
Don't have time for the gym? Just do some warm-up exercises and then target your paunch — do crunches (See box). Do this everyday — twice a day if possible. (After all, you want to lose that paunch in 10 days, don't you?) Throughout the day, whether you are sitting or walking around, make sure that you pull in your stomach and keep your back straight.

Take up a de-stressing activity
Stress and depression can lead to a lot of unwarranted emotional eating. So, de-stress. Take up a favourite activity — do some meditation, read a book, watch some romantic comedies, play with your dog or take up a yoga or dance class.

Stay away from temptation
Every time you almost give up and reach for a chocolate bar, remind yourself what you really want — looking hot in a sexy LBD or being flabby and fat and hiding inside a loose ill-fitted outfit. And behave accordingly.

Basic crunches
Lie down on your exercise mat. Bend your knees and keep it parallel to the floor. Now put your hands behind your head and exhale and lift up your shoulder blades off the floor while you contract your stomach and reach for your knees.

Get more out of crunches
Do bicycle crunches. Paddle each of your legs in the air while you do the crunches.

Ban the following completely for the next 10 days:
- Red meat
- Sweets
- Canned foods
- Junk foods like burger, pizza, pasta etc
- Cold aerated drinks
- Canned juices (even the ones that say 'healthy' on the pack)
- All kinds of outside food
- Avoid over-eating

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