Sunday, March 22, 2015

Clean House keeping yourself

These 25 tips will ensure you clean your house inside-out:
1. Walk around the house and check the caulking around windows and doors. Get things fixed to reduce AC bills this summer.
2. Spray a strong jet of water on paved areas or terraces. Try and wash outside walls too, for a complete cleanup.
3. Check verandahs and balconies for broken tiles. Clean out gutters and downspouts.
4. Replace broken planters and remove dead leaves and debris from pots and plant beds.
5. Wash windows and window sills. Remove glass panes from bathroom ventilators and wash them.
6. Clean all fans and lighting fixtures. Wash lampshades that can be washed or get them vacuumed.
7. Clean mirrors, artwork and photo frames. Don't forget to take care of switch plates, door knobs and handles.
8. Go systematically, closet by closet. Open up each drawer, remove all items, wipe clean drawer, lay a plastic sheet or fabric (avoid paper, it leads to cockroaches), and put all items back.
9. Wash all curtains and rugs, and change cushion covers and runners.
10. Sun your mattresses. Freshen them up by sprinkling baking soda, letting them sit a while, and then vacuuming. Pop the pillows into the washing machine for a thorough clean.
11. Get all appliances — air conditioners, washing machines and RO plants — checked and serviced before the onset of summer.
12. Test all emergency systems (home alarms, smoke alarms or fire extinguishers) to make sure everything is in working order.
13. Install window guards and safety netting on windows. If pigeons are posing a problem opt for special netting.
14. Clean all bookshelves completely. Store books upright or flat, keeping similar-sized ones together.
15. Sort through books, magazines, DVDs, accessories and toys, and give away what you don't want.
16. Tackle that mountain of paperwork. Stick to one rule: Toss, keep or file.
17. To make life easier, list all contacts and essential numbers in a phone diary. 18Visiting cards of plumbers, carpenters, electricians, grocers, stores and other help are handy when put together in a card album.
19. Maintain a drawer/shelf for essentials such as car papers, utility bills, bank books, health records, warranties, insurance plans, etc.
20. The kitchen is a clutter magnet and needs special attention. Go cabinet-wise, cleaning everything and ensuring that you had checked whatever they house.
21. Keep the platform area dry and caulk up all holes and crevices to prevent the entry of insects and rodents.
22. Give all food items, mixes and masalas a check and toss anything that seems dubious.
23. Install an exhaust fan or a chimney to push smoke, moisture and toxins out of the home.
24. Check that no tap or faucet around the home is leaking. Keep moulds and mildew away from high-moisture areas (bathrooms and kitchen) by using dedicated products.
25. Give all medicines and cosmetics a health check. Junk anything that’s out of date and store the rest in child-resistant cabinets.                       

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