Sunday, November 19, 2017

Five smart Kitchen edibles for the brain

Science has not yet uncovered any one thing proven to prevent cognitive decline, but diet is one of the easiest change we can make to help keep our brains in good shape. Eating well in your 50s, 60s and beyond can help reduce the damage that causes dementia. Here are some thing you should stock for in your kitchen – they could make all the difference.

This has about twice the protein of rice, and it’s ‘complete’ (meaning it has all the essential amino acids), which is unique among plant foods. It’s extra-high in fibre, and a good source of minerals, includingiron and zinc. The three varieties (white, red and  black) are nutritionally practically the same.

Walnut, extra virgin olive oil, cold- pressed sesame, flaxseed, macadamia or rice bran oil are just a few that most fitness experts swear by. The ‘good’ fats in these oils are so important for your brain (they reduce inflammation) that it’s worth buying the best you can afford. Have a couple at hand-use premium oils for dressing and cheaper once for cooking.

All spices contain antioxidants and many have been shown to also have helpful anti-inflammatory properties, beneficial to the brain. Use cinnamon, turmeric, cumin, coriander and fennel seeds and paprika (whichever you choose, it’s packed with antioxidants).

All tinned fish contain the same omega-3fats as fresh products, so having them in the pantry is a good idea.

Walnuts are especially high in omega-3fats, but all nits contain protein, antioxidants and an array of super useful, brain-supporting nutrients.

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