Friday, April 11, 2014

Beauty mistakes that make you look older

With women (and now even men) being constantly bombarded with beauty products and procedures that claim to reverse the ageing process, what many people don't realise is that simple (daily) beauty mistakes can actually make you look older that you really are.

Here's what you should avoid doing...

Not moisturising enough
Moisturised skin doesn't just feel healthy, it also looks great. What many women don't realise is that skin needs to be moisturised at least twice daily because otherwise you will suffer.

Overdoing the blusher
While natural blush on our cheeks makes us look fresh, avoid applying it to the apples of your cheeks. Instead, highlight your cheekbones by sweeping your blusher upwards so that it seems like you have a thinner face and defined cheekbones.

Using talcum powder on the face
Avoid overusing talcum powder on your face regularly. Loose powder will dry out your skin and highlight fine lines, both which make your skin look older than it actually is. Experts say to use pressed powder instead because that will blot away any excess oil and look better.

Wearing dark lipsticks
While dark lipsticks look good on younger women, older women should avoid wearing dark colours on their lips. As we grow older, lips tend to become thinner and a dark lpstick will accentuate thinner lips and make you look older.

Overplucking your eyebrows
If you're among those who obsessively plucks or threads their eyebrows every other day, you're not only damaging the delicate skin around your brows but also risking having really sparse brows. Use a brow pencil to make them thicker while they grow back.

Not oiling your hair regularly
Your hair also needs some regular TLC to stay soft, healthy and shiny. A warm oil head massage will do wonders for your hair and scalp.
Beauty mistakes you should avoid
Most women are prone to a few basic grooming mistakes. They either end up washing their hair every single day, or applying too much conditioner to make their hair softer and frizz-free. 

Some don't wash their hair and make-up brushes, and end up over-plucking their eyebrows. These mistakes might seem simple, but they are in fact serious enough to damage your skin and hair. Here are some points you need to keep in mind...
Keep all your brushes clean: It's one of those jobs you know you should do, but just can't be bothered about. If you fail to give your brushes a good clean-up, you are allowing bacteria to build up. Clean your brushes once a week.
You don't need to shampoo your hair daily: One belief is that by washing hair every day, you are keeping it squeaky clean and in top condition. You are wrong. Washing your locks so frequently means you strip them of their natural oils; this way, you are actually doing more harm than good.
Too much conditioner can be harmful: People apply conditioner all over their hair and scalp like shampoo. The hair at the roots is new and healthier, so concentrate on the tips.
Take care of your neck just like your face: As part of your daily skin-care routine, do you cleanse and moisturise your neck? Don't stop at your chin. Make sure you carry on and take care of the thin, delicate skin on your neck. This area can be prone to sensitivity so it is really important to look after it.
Do your makeup patiently: When you apply a moisturiser on your skin before makeup, it needs time to dry, so give it a minute before you start applying your foundation. You cannot hurry along with some things, because patience can give you results like nothing else can. If you hurry, the creaminess of the moisturiser can cause the makeup to thin out. So, if you apply it too quickly, you'll get a streaky look.
Go easy with your correctors: It's easy to apply spot creams as soon as you have a breakout, but don't. These creams work on your skin for hours, so make sure you always follow the instructions on the packet. Likewise, don't apply them thickly, your skin needs time to breathe.
Use a protector before styling hair: There really is no excuse for not protecting your hair while using hairdryers and straighteners. Blasting your hair with heat without shielding it in some way will leave it dry, frizzy, hard and in poor condition.
Plucking eyebrows too close to the mirror: If you pluck eyebrows too close to the mirror, you find yourself looking at every hair rather than looking at the overall shape of your eyebrows. This can leave you with thin, uneven brows. Instead, use a large mirror and take a couple of steps back so that you can see your whole face, not just your eyebrows

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